- It is inevitable that I will receive a minimum of one paper cut per day (this was not mentioned to me before I started teaching)
- I currently have 7 paper cuts.
- No matter how exciting the lesson, it will always be lame to 5th graders.
- Principals miss teaching.
- I love my students, even the ones that drive me crazy.
- My enthusiasm for certain things may not always be shared by others.
- Biting off more than you can chew may lead to choking.
- My students do not like to answer questions.
- My students will do almost anything for Hot Cheetos.
- Hot Cheetos are disgusting.
- The DMV people in NV do not have a sense of humor.
- I am no longer a part of the "Stay up past 12AM" crowd.
- I am now a part of the "Sleeping in is getting up at 7AM" crowd.
- While money spent towards textbooks and field trips is important, spending a couple grand on a top-of-the-line copier will save the sanity of your staff. That is priceless.
- Getting the digits of a 10 yr old is creepy. (He volunteered them...I was merely the recipient)
- When the worst kid in class tells you he moved, you feel sad.
- When the worst kid in class tells you he moved, you feel relieved.
- When the worst kid in class tells you he moved, you question his truthfulness (c'mon, you're standing on our school property kid--you haven't withdrawn yet...)
- In Las Vegas, a cold front=clouds.
- Las Vegas + clouds = best sunsets EVER. (The kind you draw in 4th grade)
- In Las Vegas, when children see overcast sky they go crazy thinking it will rain. I didn't have the heart to tell them those are the wrong types of clouds.
- It's snowing in Minnesota. (I almost forgot what November weather is like....)
- I don't know if I'll get to use my sweaters this year.
- I'm a good teacher.
P.S. These are the approximate colors that we are painting our apartment. The living room is a tan color, the kitchen a light green, the dining room a darker green, my bedroom a dusty blue. Sigh. I think we miss the Midwest. Or Valpo or both.